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Thai gallery 共有 3 条攻略 写攻略


Modern Thai cuisine matches the design scheme at this sleek eatery decorated with local artwork and a funky black-and-white decor.


This restraunt is located on a peaceful street, when stepping in, I'm getting a déjà vu.. The decor there is very unique with high ceilings, concrete painted walls and art displays. The service is excellent, the staff is polite and so nice..Thai gallery is a must try for who likes Thai food~~~`!


1楼摆放着白沙发和玻璃桌,大有“休闲Café之势”。沿着“透明楼梯”上到2楼,“妖娆”的气息便扑面而来——墙上有“挑逗”的美女涂鸦;“摇曳的烛火”衬着迷离的“chill out音乐”;榻榻米区有“猩红”的垫子、“色彩斑斓”的丝绸靠枕。或坐或卧,就着“色香味俱全”的泰国美食,尽情享受帝王般的尊贵体验吧。